We drove to the east side of the island to do a medical outreach that only God could ordain on Tuesday evening. The pastor of the congregational church invited us to come and minister to the people of his church and also his village. We were so blessed to see how God had worked all things out. We worked together with Department of Health as the people went from one station to another getting their vitals signs checked as well as blood pressure checked. We also had animals balloons given out to the kids as they waited for their parents or themselves to be seen by the nurses and our physicians assistant. We then also had the opportunity to pray for anyone that wanted to receive prayer and anointing of oil which was basically not denyed by anyone. It was amazing to see God in the midst. Pictures to follow shortly.
Thanks for you prayers....we can't do this without it! Friday night we have the Harvest Festival with CC Samoa, which we have been inviting everyone to since we arrived. Lord willing it will be a great harvest!
Wow! Divinely orchestrated. Waiting for pics! Praying for supernatural strength for the team. Your prayer teams wage on. Love H!